Rules & Instructions



We are excited to launch Survivor at Home Lite, giving you a taste of the real game in a bite-sized portion! This is the perfect opportunity for prospective contestants to test the waters, and for SAH alumni to have some good laughs without as much pressure.

Contestants compete in a series of challenges (games), social strategizing, voting, and more; in the end, the Sole Survivor will be crowned.


Here’s How it Works

Survivor at Home Lite is played on one night only, from 7pm-1am

The games are just as fun, but also a little sillier and less intense

There are no idols or advantages to worry about!

If you get voted out, you still participate in many of the challenges

Prior knowledge of Survivor game-play, rules, and history is not required!

“Fair Play” Rules

Please don’t strategize with other contestants before the event begins!

While playing, the only permitted form of communication is Zoom and Discord. No texting, calling, or in-app messaging of any kind is allowed.

Pro Tip: Don’t trust anyone!

The Challenges

Throughout the event, contestants will compete in various challenges (games) in an effort to win immunity for the upcoming Tribal Council. Each challenge will be explained, and there will be time for questions.

Social Gameplay

A key piece of Survivor at Home Lite is the social gameplay; you cannot win this competition without being bold and courageous during the times of socializing and strategy (and in particular on Discord).

Each round, there will be allotted time (usually 5 mins) for socializing with other contestants before the vote takes place. Use this time as you please - perhaps to make alliances, build trust, or spread lies about other players! The point of this time is to try to get the numbers on your side, ensuring you will not be the next person voted out of the game.

But remember: It is the Jury (aka the voted out players) who decide on the winner of the game! If you burn too many bridges, you may have no shot at claiming victory.

Here’s how it works:

Socializing takes place primarily on Discord video calls, allowing you to jump in and out of different conversations in real time with other players. At any given time, multiple people can be in the same video chat. We will explain this further.

Click here for more information on device setup.

Tribal Council

After most challenges, some or all contestants will take part in Tribal Council over Zoom. At Tribal, everyone will have one vote (submitted confidentially) to remove a player from the game. The person with the most votes against them is eliminated.

Remember: There are no idols or advantages in SAH Lite, so challenge immunity and alliances are key!

Rules of Tribal Council

Reading the Results

Once all the votes have been cast, the host will read the results. The contestant with the most votes against them will be eliminated.

What to do if Votes are Tied

If there is a tie in the votes between two or more players, there will be a re-vote.

In a re-vote, votes can only be cast for one of the tied contestants. Importantly, tied contestants are not eligible to vote - they have to wait it out and put their fate in the hands of the remaining players.

The person with the most votes against them is eliminated.

If there are 3 or more tied players and the re-vote breaks only part of the tie (e.g. two people now have 3 votes each), only the tied contestants are considered to be tied heading into the deadlock (see Step #2).

Breaking a Deadlock

If the re-vote does not break the tie, the host declares a deadlock.

At this time, all non-tied players can openly discuss (in front of everyone) which of the tied players to vote out. If they can unanimously agree on a player, then the person they choose is eliminated.

If they cannot reach a unanimous decision, the tied players will be rendered immune, subjecting the non-immune*, non-tied contestants to a lottery of “rocks.” In other words, they will risk being randomly selected as the person eliminated from the game.

*Non-immune meaning a player with no individual immunity in play.

On Being Voted Out

Voted-out contestants will still participate in the majority of the challenges, often with a chance to influence the game (for example, if they win a challenge, they can choose who to send to Tribal Council).

The Jury

All eliminated players become part of the Jury. At the end of the night, the Jury will cast their votes to decide the winner!

Device Setup

Survivor at Home is played using Zoom and Discord. You will need a computer, and a second device.

Please download these on both of your devices before the event.

Access to email and a web browser are also required.