Helpful Tips

We’ve compiled some helpful tips from previous seasons:

  1. Charge your devices beforehand, and have chargers nearby (also keep in mind your wireless headphones will likely run out of battery).

  2. Make sure your computer isn’t set to update at any point during the event.

  3. Test your internet connection in the place you will be playing (e.g. Go on Zoom with a friend and see if it’s lagging).

  4. Prepare your inbox accordingly so you don’t miss out on emails from Production during the event (and add as a contact).

  5. You’ll need to enter passwords at various points during the event, to access pages on the website. Some internet browsers may prompt you to save your password, but do not do this! We’ve found it messes some people up when trying to enter future passwords during the game.

  6. Be bold in the strategizing time!

  7. Practice the Jenga stack challenge beforehand (stack the blocks end on end).

  8. There are occasional 5 minute washroom breaks, but other than that the game is full-on.

  9. Pay attention. There is usually a quiz near the end of the final night, recapping many moments from the competition.

Finally, we want to make sure you have a heads up about the reunion show. This is an incredible highlight every season (really it is), and it gives you a chance to debrief, which is also very important (it's all you will be thinking about anyway). It’s not mandatory, but please do your best to be there.

The reunion is Saturday, February 15th, 8pm on Zoom.

Leading up to the event weekend, you can reach out to us anytime with questions or rule clarifications.

Thanks for playing!