Survivor at Home: Instructions



Survivor at Home is a two-night online reality game inspired by the tv show Survivor!

Contestants will compete in a series of games and social challenges, followed each round by a time of social strategy, and then a vote at “Tribal Council” - where someone will be eliminated. At the end of the competition, only one player will remain as the Sole Survivor!

Survivor at Home Logo 2.png

Fair Play Rules

  • Absolutely no strategizing is allowed with other contestants before the event begins, or in between days.

  • The only permitted forms of communication are the video channels on Discord, and the main Zoom call.

    • No texts, direct messages, or in-app messaging are allowed.

  • No “hacking” of the website to help you find clues/idols, or to give you an unfair advantage.

  • Be respectful of others (and the hosts)!


  • Throughout the event, you will compete in challenges (games) in an effort to win immunity for the upcoming Tribal Council!

  • Some challenges are individual competitions, and others are played as a team. Examples from past seasons include charades and an online escape room.

  • There are also social challenges, where contestants compete for immunity through unique social twists explained by the host.

  • Every challenge will be explained during the competition, and there will be time for questions before we begin.

  • Let’s see how you would do! Click below to try the 4 Doors Challenge from a past event.

Social Gameplay

  • A significant part of Survivor at Home is the social strategizing, and the bonds you build with other players!

  • After most challenges, there will be designated time (10-15 mins.) to talk with other contestants before Tribal Council.

    • Use this time to make alliances, build trust, or maybe even spread lies about other players!

    • The point of this social time is to try to get the numbers on your side, ensuring you will not be the next person voted out of the game.

  • Be wise with your social choices.

    • At the end of the event, it is the Jury (the voted out players) who will decide on the winner of the game.

    • If you burn too many bridges, you may have no shot at claiming the top prize.

  • Here’s how it works:

    • Socializing takes place using Discord video calls, allowing you to jump in and out of different conversations.

    • We have created a number of channels that you can use with titles like “The Beach” and “The Forest Path.”

    • At any given time, multiple people can be in the same channel, although some have a limit (e.g. only 3 people can be at the “Hammock”).

    • To leave and enter another channel, just click on a different heading and it will take you there.

    • Important: The audio will connect automatically, but you’ll need to quickly turn on your camera each time you change chatrooms/channels

Tribal Council

  • After most challenges, contestants will take part in Tribal Council, where someone will be voted out of the game.

    • Before the vote takes place, we will have a time of discussion.

    • You can reveal as little or as much information as you like during this time.

  • After the time of discussion, it is time to vote!

    • Everyone will have one vote, submitted confidentially on the website (we’ll explain this further).

    • The host will then reveal the results, and the person with the most votes against them will be eliminated.

  • If there is a tie between two or more players, there will be a re-vote.

    • In a re-vote, votes can only be cast for one of the tied contestants.

    • New idols and advantages cannot be played in a re-vote.

  • If the re-vote does not break the tie, the host will declare a deadlock.

    • In a deadlock, all non-tied players can openly discuss (in front of everyone) which of the tied players to vote out .

    • If they can unanimously agree on a player, then the person they choose is eliminated.

    • If they cannot reach a unanimous decision, the tied players in question will be rendered safe/immune, subjecting everyone else to a random draw to determine who will be eliminated (those with immunity from a challenge or idol are still safe here).

Idols & Advantages

  • Be on the lookout for idols, advantages, and clues throughout the competition!

  • These could be on the website, in your email, or live on screen.

  • Important: Because it’s possible for multiple people to come across the same idol or advantage (given the online format), you usually have to be the first to claim it. Sometimes there will be instructions for how to claim an idol, but not always. If there are no instructions, you can claim an idol verbally on Zoom, or by emailing production.

  • If you properly claim an idol or advantage, AND it is still available (i.e. someone else hasn’t already claimed it), production will notify you.

  • If you did not properly claim an idol or advantage, or if it has already been claimed by someone else, you won’t be notified.

  • Pro Tip: You will usually be notified by email; refresh your inbox often!

Playing an Idol or Advantage

  • Like in Survivor, an idol can be played at Tribal Council, saving you from any potential votes.

  • Prior to the reading of the votes, the host will prompt contestants by saying: “If anyone has an advantage or an idol and would like to play it, now would be the time to do so." It’s up to you if you want to use it, or save it for a later time.

  • If an idol is played, all votes cast against that person will not count.

  • Unless otherwise specified, you must verbally let the host know when you are playing an idol or advantage, so that everyone else can hear.

  • You are also permitted to play your idol for another contestant if you want (e.g. “I’d like to play my hidden immunity idol for ____”).

  • Unfortunately, if you are voted out with an idol in your pocket, you cannot give it to someone else.

  • Pro Tip: The last time you can use an idol is with 5 players remaining in the game.

On Being Voted Out

  • If you are voted out of Survivor at Home, you head to exile island, and become part of the jury.

  • You can no longer take part in the socializing and voting, but you will participate in many of the challenges - often with a chance to influence the game.

  • While you are on exile, you can talk freely with other voted-out players.

  • And don’t despair: There is always at least one opportunity for an exiled player to win their way back into the game!

The Finale!

  • At the end of the final night, the three remaining players will take part in the Survivor at Home Finale! They will not vote, and instead must answer questions from the Jury (all the voted out players), and present their case for why they should be crowned the Sole Survivor.

  • Everyone in Survivor at Home becomes part of the jury and has a vote (except the final 3 of course).

  • After this time of discussion, the Jury will cast their votes to determine the winner of Survivor at Home!

Device Setup

  • Survivor at Home is played online using Discord and Zoom

  • You will need a computer and a second device, both with a working webcam and microphone

    • Your devices need to be fast enough to hop on and off video calls many times throughout the night, and to quickly load web-pages

    • You don’t need a fancy mic or camera - so long as they do the job!

  • Make sure to test your internet connection in the location you’ll be setup for the event. You don’t want internet lag ruining your chances of winning.

  • You will need to install Discord and Zoom on both devices, and create a Discord account if you don’t already have one

  • For more information on setting up your devices, click here